The Growing Use of Technology in Manufacturing

Technology is changing the way that business is done in virtually every industry, and manufacturing is no exception. Modern advances are enabling manufacturers to streamline production processes, innovate at a faster pace than ever, cut costs and deliver higher quality products to meet demand. Because of its versatility and ease of use, there are a number of areas within manufacturing where technology is being harnessed.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is another area that is having a tremendous impact on manufacturers. With IoT technology, devices and machinery can “talk” to each other in real time. For example, if a problem arises with a piece of equipment, other devices on the network are informed so that any necessary adjustments can be made immediately. This could mean decreased downtime, less waste and lower costs while keeping overall quality and output high.

Digital twins also harness IoT technology and are another way that manufacturers can optimize performance and reduce their costs. A digital twin, as the name implies, is a virtual representation of an actual object that receives data in real time from the object. This data allows you to virtually monitor, say, a piece of manufacturing equipment or an entire production line. Digital twins are being used increasingly to predict maintenance schedules and possible repairs as well as to experiment with changes to a line and review what the impact may be.

For more on this and other examples of technology changing the manufacturing landscape, check out the accompanying resource below.

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